Reem Glasco, LPC-S, SEP, NARM Therapist and EMDR Certified Therapist
Credentials & Years Licensed: LPC-S Licensed for over 10 years.
Clinical specialization: Young adults, College age and Individuals.
Clinical Focus: Developmental Trauma, C-PTSD, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Depression, procrastination and mindful somatic awareness. I Teach effortless self care with walk and mindful therapy.
My NARM approach is to invite you to explore and be curios about your patterns and how patterns affect you from being present in your life. To be curios about where did I learn those patterns, how are they serving me today? How being present in your life helps you have a choice in deciding through your felt sense which path leads you to thriving.
My EMDR approach is to help you with stabilization with acute stress and on going trauma (post pandemic, feeling overwhelmed and loss).
My SE (Somatic Experiencing) approach is to help you work with shock trauma in a titrated way, slow and gentle to help you build your window of tolerance and resilience in your nervous system.
I offer Mindful trail walk Retreats for Interns, associates and Therapists. Where we explore being present and what gets in the way of
being mindful.
I am also an LPC supervisor, I offer on-line supervision and offer mindful retreat for Associates therapists to expand their personal and professional awareness in their field.