Supervision for LPC Associates:
Credentials & Years Licensed: LPC-S LPC Licensed for over 10 years.
Clinical specialization: Young adults, College age, Individuals and Families.
Clinical Focus: Developmental Trauma NARM, C-PTSD, Somatic experiencing approach, Anxiety, Depression, procrastination and life transitions.
Training and certifications: NARM Therapist, Somatic Experiencing (SEP) and EMDR certified, EMDR CIT training approved for consultation. Also trained in ASSYST EMDR protocol.
Do you have placement site for your supervisee’s: on line only.
Supervision Format: Individual and group total of 4hours
4 individual/ 1 groups (optional)/Month
Fees: $455 / a month.
on line only
- If you want extra Supervision with horses, fee $60 per session
- In session CT and T training
- I offer training for therapist with horses (optional). additional fees apply
- Equine location: Dripping Springs, TX